Saturday, September 13, 2014

Scottish indedpendence and Unitarian Universalism

I usually don't publish political things here unless they directly affect Unitarian Universalists but this short video on Scottish independence is very succinct and informative and relates to UUs fifth principle which is "the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society and large." Should UUs care about the outcome? If so what should be the Unitarian Universalist position on this question of Scottish independence if UU should take one?

For information about the Scottish Unitarian Association click here.

Are you trying everything?

One of the reasons I love Linda McCullough Moore's short stories so much is the slightly askance view she takes on life which makes me laugh with the absurdity of it all. In her fifth story in her book of short stories, This Road Will Take Us Closer To The Moon, entitled Ball Doll she tells a story about a woman, Margaret, who goes home to visit her elderly mother who has had a stroke and her Aunt Mary.

Moore opens her story with these lines,

"I feel like I'm dying, but I'm not exactly breaking new ground here. Someone in my family is always dying. My father, who did die a dozen years ago, used to say, 'People are dying who never died before.' Tonight, it's Aunt Mary, well technically, my sister Eileen's husband Tom's Aunt Mary, but close enough for our purposes."

I had to laugh at her opening paragraph. At age 68 I've seen many people die, my parents, two of my children, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends, acquaintances, it seems never ending. Somebody is always dying. And it puzzles me that dying, being a normal regular part, of life is treated as if it was tragically abnormal. In our contemporary society in the United States, it seems that people aren't supposed to die and when they do something has gone terribly wrong.

"Aunt Mary's legs are swollen up like two balloons," Eileen's voice is schoolmarm taut. "She couldn't catch her breath, and when we took her to the E.R., they gave her morphine right away, and six different kinds of medicine, and I said to the doctor, 'Does this mean you're trying everything?' and he said, 'Yes.'"
The Aunt Mary in question is 97.
She looks older.

There is a lot more to this story that I am not going to go into now and I recommend it to you.

Questions for consideration, journaling, and possible discussion.

  1.  What has been your experience with death over the course of  your life and more recently?
  2.  To what extent do you think that our society has inappropriate attitudes about death?
  3.  What are your thoughts about Eileen's attitude about Aunt Mary getting "everything" at the      end of her life at age 97?

Friday, September 12, 2014

Meaning is derived from influencing the evolutionary trajectory of our manifestation

As we consider the fourth principle of Unitarian Universalism, the free and responsible search for truth and meaning I am reminded of the verse in A Course Of Miracles in the introduction which reads, "The course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way: Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God." Now that is a lot to wrap your mind and heart around. The teaching of the course is that we make up the world on the ego plane. None of it is real, really. The only thing real is the Love of God which we have separated ourselves from when we developed our egos and the healthy spiritual development is to transcend our egos and return, as it is written in the Perennial Philosophy, to the "unitive Godhead." To become one with all.

Dennis Ford in his book The Search For Meaning discusses meaning within four paradigms: the mythic, the philosophical, the scientific, and the postmodern. The meaning we make and the truth we seek are attempted within some meta-narrative which we usually are unaware of and take for granted as the basis for whatever meaning we arrive at or truth we find. The observation that an unconscious meta-narrative guides our meaning making and truth seeking is the contribution of the postmodern view. It seems that the meaning we make and the truth we find we just make up as the existentialists have been teaching for 50 years. And so we wind up back with the observation in the introduction of A Course In Miracles which assures us that nothing real, meaning the spiritual plane, can be threatened because all the projected ego nonsense that we call our lives doesn't really exist. While we resist and recoil at this idea if we step back and look at it from our witness, it is readily apparent that every thing we have created is impermanent as the Buddhists have taught us. It all passes away sooner or later even our scientific findings which seem true until the next issue of the latest scientific journal comes out.

What is the "real" that cannot be threatened?" My answer is the creative energy of the universe of which we are a part and a manifestation. That's the Truth. Meaning is derived from influencing the evolutionary trajectory of our manifestation.

Questions for consideration, possible discussion, journaling.
1. What do you think about the idea of the meta-narrative?
2. What do you think about the statement in A Course In Miracles that nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists?
3. What do you think about the Truth that we are a manifestation of the creative energy of the universe and meaning is derived from our attempts to influence the evolutionary trajectory of our manifestation?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Is anyone all right?

In Linda McCullough Moore's fourth story, "Is Anyone All Right?" in her book of short stories, This Road Will Take Us Closer To The Moon, she describes a first date between two people who apparently have met on They have agreed to go to a movie. It is awkward and the guy keep asking the gal, "Are you all right?" thus the title of the story. Here's how Moore ends the story:

"Are you all right?" Bob says.
He's a nice man. He really is.
"Are you all right? he says.
"Of course not," I say.
I'm giving him the only hopeful answer that I know.
I mean, imagine: this my life, I all right.

And are any of us all right? As the title asks, "Is anyone all right?" And we are expected to be polite and say something like, "Yes, thank you. I'm fine." when we both know that is not exactly the truth.

My 91 year old mother was a day or two away from her death and she had been sleeping a lot. My 31 year old niece was sitting by her bedside when mom awoke and as I was walking by mom's bedroom door Magen was excited and said, "David, come in. Grandma's awake." I poked my head in the door and said, "Hi, mom, How are you feeling?" And very uncharacteristically my sweet, kind, submissive, usually tender mother snarled at me, "How do you think I'm feeling!"

Yeah, I thought to myself stupid question. "Like shit!" would have been the right answer. Two days later she died of only what I can describe as "old age" that is: just lost the will to live any longer. She apparently, was not all right.

Are you a person of faith?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The importance of the "why" question

Dennis Ford writes in his book, The Search For Meaning, "...asking 'why?' signals the point at which we self consciously step back from what we are doing to look for a reason or justification. With this simple, childlike question, the taken-for-granted quality of life suddenly loses its foundations, and we are left exposed to the threat of meaninglessness." p. 1

Our lives require no explanation when we take them for granted. It is not until we have choices that the meaning and truth question comes up. Prior to asking "why?" we are innocent and naive. We may be ignorant in the sense that "ignorance is bliss". The Unitarian Universalists, the free thinkers, have a long history of asking "why?" for which they have been shunned, excluded, dismissed, mocked, and punished.

Since the dawn of the philosophical, scientific, and postmodern mind the why question has gained greater and greater ascendency and the answer is?

It's in the book meaning the Bible, the Koran, the Talmud. Why should we believe and follow what's in the book? Because it's the revealed word of God according to the priest, the pastor, the iman, the rabbi. And for most of humanity, they go back to sleep and accept, submit, comply but there are some that don't. There is a very small group in societies who continue to be a pain in the neck with their questioning. And it is they, although they are persecuted by the majority, who lead the way on the evolutionary path to true salvation.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Climate change very disruptive for bird life in North America

The New York Times reported on September 8, 2014 that climate change will have a huge disruption for bird life in North America according to Audubon scientists.

For more click here.

Editor's note:

The UU A Way Of Life makes an effort to report on stories that exemplify UUs seven principles. Stories dealing with the affects of climate change are directly relevant to UUs seventh princple, the respect for the interdependent web of existence.
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