Friday, February 27, 2015

The off center cross symbol of Universalism

Until I read Richard Trudeau's book Universalism 101 I had not known about the off center cross symbol of Universalism. The symbol was adopted by the Massachusetts Universalist Convention in 1947.

After the merger of Unitarianism and Universalism in 1961 animosity has developed in Unitarian Universalism toward the cross symbol of Christianity. This is unfortunate because so many UUs have a Christian experience as part of their religious and spiritual formation. As Rev. Trudeau points out in his book Universalism 101, "Most UUs who disown a Christian background do so because they don't know how to separate Christianity's toxic components from the elements  that could still nourish them." p.16

As I have matured I have come to understand that most so called Christians do not understand Jesus's message and teachings and they certainly don't apply them in their lives. The sign of the cross is not a symbol of expiation, suffering, torture and death, but rather the opposite, a symbol of triumph, transcendence, patient compassion, and the resurrection of the spirit with the eschewing of the body.

The Universalist symbol acknowledges the importance of Christian teachings while leaving plenty of room for other traditions and sources as well, that's why the cross is off center, to make room for other paths.

Having learned of the off center cross symbol I have come to love it more than the flaming chalice. For someone with my background as a former Roman Catholic it respects and supports my positive religious experience with Catholicism while leaving plenty of room for other experiences as well. The flaming chalice is a wonderful symbol as well indicating the divine spark in each one of us and the whole world. Perhaps I can have both. Why do I have to choose? Could I put the flaming chalice within the circle with the off center cross?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tolerance for pain may be high but it is not without limit

What is the purpose of life?

According to the Dali Lama the purpose of life is happiness.

What will make me happy?

Ultimately, according to A Course In Miracles, what will make, you, me, and everybody happy is the acceptance of the Atonement. The Course points out that our tolerance for pain is very high, but short of death, it is not without limit. In crisis, if not before, we recognize that there must be a better way. We recognize as they say in the first step of Alcoholic Anonymous that our life is unmanageable. We have defiled our soul and that things need to be repaired and protected. It is written in the Course that whenever we are anxious something is wrong. You have been deceived.

How do I get back on the right track?

That's what religion and philosophy is for to help you find your way back to the right track. There are may roads to the Atonement. Which is best for you depends on many things. For the spiritually mature, Unitarian Universalism may be a way because it is open to the teachings of the six sources. Unitarian Universalists covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. The authentic search is within and the recognition that we are one with everything which is what the Course calls the Atonement.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How's lent going?

How is lent going? It's been a week, right?

Yes, Lent started last Wednesday which is a week ago today. It's on my mind every day, but I can't say that I've come up with a good way to celebrate it every day. I think of the interdependent web and how I can enhance it and I do do many things like feed the feral cats that live under my barn. They seem to appreciate it because they come running when I put the food and water out, but I notice one is pregnant again and I am left wondering if I am helping or just enabling a bad situation.

Feeding the cats is silly isn't it? Hardly what one might consider a spiritual practice, but then again I gave twenty bucks a piece to two college students who spent 15 minutes helping me get my car unstuck from the snow. They tried to beg off saying "you don't have to give us anything" but when I insisted they took it without any further resistance. I was a college student once, and twenty bucks might go a long way for these two good Samaritans.

I suppose there are other things too if I were pressed that I have done over the week, but I would do them anyway Lent or not.

Any way it continues to be on mind. I am mindful which is all the rage now.

What's going on for you?

Monday, February 23, 2015

I, as damaged goods, being a former Roman Catholic, have found a home in Unitarian Universalism

Rev. Richard Trudeau in his book Universalism 101 describes how he dealt with this anger at his former church when he converted to Unitarian Universalism. He describes how he divided the psychological legacy of his former church into four piles:

1. The stuff that was toxic.
2. The stuff that was silly.
3. The stuff that made sense.
4. The stuff that didn't make sense but felt good.

As a former Roman Catholic, I was taught a lot of stuff that was toxic then and is toxic still. Pope Francis seems to be on the right track trying to fix some of this stuff, but I am sure he will not get it all done. The biggest things that are toxic is the church's stance on the sexual aspect of the human body especially reproductive health, and the church's patriarchial and misogynistic beliefs and practices.

Second there is a lot of stuff that is just silly like the virgin birth and Mary's bodily assumption into heaven.

Third, there is a lot that makes sense the foremost being that God is love and that the way to the kingdom is, as Jesus taught, "to love as I have loved."

Fourth, I do like the sacraments and liturgy. I miss that in Unitarian Universalism. Some of the ceremonies and  rituals are very moving, comforting, and uplifting. The Catholics know how to worship when they do it right. I miss communion at every service.

So, I want to thank Rev. Trudean. His four part sorting mechanism is helpful. It helps me separate the grain from the chaf. Rev. Trudeau writes, "...I have come to think that our congregations should be not so much 'decontamination chambers' where people wash away their former religions, but rather workshops where they confront them." p. 7

I think our UU congregations have to be far more than toxic waste dumps for people recovering from religious abuse;  they need to be a place to facilitate the process of recovery and spiritual growth. Our congregations need to be strength based and not focused on deficits and problems.

I call myself a Roman Catholic Unitarian Universalist and not a Unitarian Universalist Roman Catholic. The first works well because the UUs gladly welcome me, while the RCs would consider me a heretic and excommunicate me. I, as damaged goods, have found a loving and welcoming home as have many others. Praise be to God!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

What does Universalism have to offer the world?

In Richard Trudeau's book, Universalism 101, he writes, "In 1960-1961, when the Unitarian and Universalist denominations combined, the Universalists - less prosperous, less educated, less confident, and outnumbered five to one - were afraid of being swallowed up.". p.3

Rev. Trudeau titles this section of the book, "You become what you eat" which implies that while the Unitarian side of the newly made family is five times the size of the Universalist side, the Unitarian side will become more Universalist because of its ingestion of Universalism values, beliefs, and practices.

What is the evidence for this idea that Unitarianism will become more Universalist? I don't see it, do you? It is interesting that Rev. Trudeau stops referring to the consolidated entity as a "denomination" and instead, like many people, refers to it as "a movement" which I have never understood. Is UU a religion or an ideology? With its social justice focus it has become more of a social activist movement for liberal causes rather than a religion focused on the spiritual life of its members.

As a result of this loss of spiritual focus, Unitarian Universalism, both dying denominations to begin with, and thus their collaborative consolidation, has been further atrophying. It's slow demise might be accounted for because of its loss of purpose, focus, and mission. Social justice advocacy does not a religion make. If there is hope for future viability for Unitarian Universalism it will be because the Universalist impulse and intuitive wisdom and insight that God is  Love ignites a renewal of spiritual fervor.

The Universalist insight that God so loves God's creation that God's love assures universal salvation and God's creatures no longer have to fear hell so God's creatures will do the good because it is a more satisfying and fulfilling way to live life than to just indulge one's one's momentary sensory desires is compelling and vital. This idea of the good life is not unique to Universalism but to the Stoic philosophers of antiquity.

Unitarians do not just become what they eat but in turn are also, hopefully, eaten by a broader society that finds Unitarian Universalism an attractive and tasty morsel. The challenge becomes for Unitarian Universalism to present itself as an attractive and aesthetically pleasing delight to nourish the broader society. What is more attractive and pleasing to the human experience than Love? As it is written in A Course In Miracles, "The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite."

Universalism's mission is to help people remove the blocks to the awareness of Love's presence and rise above their fears. In order to carry out this mission to facilitate this experience of Love's presence,  Universalism must provide what ACIM calls "miracles" which is a change in perception from the ego plane to the sacred. This shift in perception and understanding naturally leads to a change in behavior for the good. Universalism's miraculous understanding of God's Love is the yeast in the dough which activates a wonderful rise, uplift, in the social dough of society in which it is embedded. To become aware of Love's presence we have to eschew the way of the ego and the world. We do this, especially at this Lenten season, by making small sacrifices to benefit the interdependent web. What will you do today to push aside the demands of the world so that you can relax into an awareness of Love's peace?

Saturday, February 21, 2015

People on planet become political pawn in fight on immigration

From PBS on 02/17/15

President Obama’s executive actions on immigration have been delayed after a federal judge in Texas ruled it didn't follow proper legal procedure. Alan Gomez of USA Today and Stephen Legomsky of Washington University Law School join Judy Woodruff to discuss what may happen in the courts and how it affects the millions of people who were supposed to be shielded from deportation.

Editor's note:

Pax Christi USA has chosen immigration as its lenten study and action topic. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus were immigrants in Egypt where Joseph took Jesus so he wouldn't be killed by Herod. As Unitarian Universalists we should be speaking up for immigrants whose lives are being manipulated.
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