Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Ask Alexa - What's the biggest problem with religion in the United States?

Alexa: What's one of the biggest problems with religion in the United States?

According to David Brooks, it's that people lack the spiritual vocabulary to think things through.

UUAWOL ministries index - Average age of death of U.S. supreme court justices

  • Average age of death of supreme court justices in U.S. before 1800 = 67
  • Average age of death of supreme court justices in U.S. confirmed between 1960 and 1974 = 82

U.S. Supreme Court justices serve for life or voluntary retirement.

My Kind Of Church Music - The Power Of Love, Huey Lewis and the News

Monday, September 24, 2018

Surrendering to Love

People who are awakened go on living in the world. While they live primarily on the path of the spirit, things on the path of ego still challenge them. It is kind of like an addict with cravings. Even though the addict has given up the substance(s) of choice, still there are times when cravings arise and triggers appear.

The idea that being awakened, enlightened, is continual bliss is inaccurate. At times the bliss is threatened and the awakened person must remind him/herself of the chosen path they are on. Being in an awakened state is a continual choice and while it becomes more "natural" and "normal" it is at times threatened.

Awakened and enlightened people continue their spiritual practices because they give them joy and fulfillment. When their equanimity is threatened, awakened people maintain their equilibrium, their balance, with mindfulness and meditation.

Jesus and Buddha were often challenged by the egoistic forces that surrounded them. They were often put to the test. The tests are not significant, but the ways of managing the tests are. Remembering who we are, and what we are, returns us to stability.

The tests to the genuineness of awakening are ongoing and are met with grace and blessings from the Divine source which is the ground of being. What this takes is awareness and intention to surrender to Love.

UUAWOL ministries index - whose got tattoos?

  • Percentage of Millenials with at least one tattoo = 47%
  • Percentage of Baby Boomers with at least one tattoo = 13%
  • Revenue generated by the tattoo industry last year (2017) in U.S. = 1.6 billion
  • Rate of growth in tattoo industry expected in 2018 = 7.7%
  • Number of people with a tattoo of the UU flaming chalice = ?

Ask Alexa - What's wrong with Republicanism?

Alexa: What is wrong with Republicans?

Almost half, 48%, think that the media is the enemy of the people.

My Kind Of Church Music - Not Alone, Patty Griffin

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