Monday, January 20, 2020

Daily Reflections, Day Forty four, God doesn't make junk.

Day Forty four
God doesn’t make junk.

“Wholeness is the perceptual content of miracles. They thus correct, are atone for, the faulty perception of lack.” ACIM.T-1.1.41:1-2

Deep down, truth be told, most humans are afraid that they are inadequate or defective in some way. This feeling of lack generates a sense of shame. We spend our lives trying to prove to ourselves and others that we are okay, that we are whole.

The spiritual term for wholeness is abundance to distinguish this experience from scarcity. Even in marriage we often describe our spouse as our “other half” or our “better half” as if we are lacking in some way and require another person or relationship to complete us.

This principle tells us that our experience of wholeness, completeness, abundance, and not lack, inadequacy, defectiveness is a miracle. This experience of lack arises from our separation from God, the source of our being. We are not the authors of our own lives. Our own consciousness has been given to us, and it is something we must cultivate, and as we cultivate it, we come to realize that we are part of a greater whole from which we have separated ourselves.

When we eschew our egos and willingly return to that from which we have come, peace, and joy and abundance is experienced.

Today, several times, I will remind myself that at my core, I lack nothing. I will remind myself that I am not defective, inadequate, and separate. I will remind myself in turning my will over to my Higher Power that I am one with God and God doesn’t make junk.

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