Friday, August 28, 2020

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #27 - Above all else I want to see.

God Esteems Love Above Everything Else - Samoa Global News

Lesson #27
Above all else I want to see.

The lesson for today is very similar to the Unitarian Universalist principle which affirms and promotes the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. The further implication is that there is a search we are engaged in and that we know what we are looking for and where to look.

We are learning that there is nothing of value for us in the world of the ego which is full of false idols which are impermanent. The “miracle” that A Course In Miracles is referring to is the shift in our search and perception from the world of the ego to the world of the Spirit.

We are asked today to make this statement, “Above all else I want to see,” every twenty minutes or so throughout the day. When we make this statement we might also include the other UU principles such as the first and the seventh: the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and the interdependent web of all existence.

The purpose of today’s lesson is to train our minds to eschew the things of the ego and to focus on the things of the Spirit. How determined are you and committed to shifting your apprehension from the path of the ego to the path of the Spirit? “Practice makes perfect” as they say.

Above all else I want to see the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

Above all else I want to see the interdependent web of all existence.

Above all else I want to see.

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