Wednesday, June 2, 2021

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #263 - My holy vision sees all things as pure.

 Lesson #263

My holy vision sees all things as pure.

What we see in the ego world is superficialities. We rarely look deeply into the heart of things. Were we to do that, today’s lesson teaches that we would see things pure. We would see the Ground of Being, the emanation of the Transcendent Source, what Luke Skywalker called “the Force.”

In Alcoholic Anonymous we are encouraged, in step eleven, to improve our conscious contact with God through prayer and mediation which shifts our perception from division and separation to an apprehension of Oneness imbued with the energy of Creative Love. We perceive the higher vibrations of denser matter and it appears more pure.

In Unitarian Universalism we covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning and this search involves clearing away the barriers and obstacles to perceiving the essence of things. In perceiving the essence of creation, the purity of the creative energy of Unconditional Love is manifest as the Universalists taught centuries ago.

Today, it is suggested that we overlook the externalities of things and focus on their essences. It is there that we see and understand and can appreciate Spirit and this holy vision sees all things as pure.

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