Monday, July 5, 2021

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #294 - My body is a wholly neutral thing.

 Lesson #294

My body is a wholly neutral thing.

Are you a body with a soul or a soul with a body? Today’s lesson teaches that we are a soul with a body and the body is just a neutral tool with which we communicate with our brothers and sisters and the world.

In Alcoholics Anonymous it is suggested, in step eleven, that we decide to improve our conscious contact with the Divine from which we have emerged and to which we will return if not commune with while we inhabit a body in the world of the ego. It is necessary, though, if we are to improve our conscious contact with the Divine that we recognize that the body is neutral. It is merely a tool. It will, when it is worn out, be discarded if not sooner through accidental or intentional elimination.

In Unitarian Universalism we join together to recognize the interdependent web of all existence of which we are just a part. It is our spirit, our energy, which vivifies the world, not our physical bodies.

Today, it is suggested that we acknowledge that what matters in life is not our bodies but our spirit. It is spiritual health which enriches us, not physical attributes. The body is a wholly neutral thing.

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