Friday, April 15, 2022

UU A Way Of Life - The work


The work of UU A Way Of Life is primarily publishing articles on its blog which nurtures the development of spiritual intelligence. Secondarily, UU A Way Of Life advocates and attempts to collaborate with others who have a similar mission and vision. The forms of this advocacy are multiple and involve case advocacy and class advocacy. Examples of these activities are joining and supporting the UUMUAC, the Unitarian Universalist Multiracial Unity Action Council, The 5th Principle Project, and other interreligious organizations which nurture spiritual development based on the Perennial Philosophy. Future work might include retreats, workshops, classes, and celebratory gatherings as the pandemic passes and face to face meetings are possible once again.

How could you join the work? What are your talents, abilities, interests,

motivations, goals? What would you like to see happen as Unitarian Universalist

principles germinate and blossom in the world? Let us know in the comments below.

To be continued

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