Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Our localized existence will dissolve back into the Whole.

You have not failed to increase the inheritance of the Sons of God, and thus have not failed to secure it for yourself. Since it was the Will of God to give it to you, He gave it forever. Since it was His Will that you have it forever, He gave you the means for keeping it. And you have done so. Disobeying God’s Will is meaningful only to the insane. In truth it is impossible. Your Self-fullness is as boundless as God’s. Like His, It extends forever and in perfect peace. Its radiance is so intense that It creates in perfect joy, and only the whole can be born of Its Wholeness. T-7.IX.6:1-9

A Course in Miracles (pp. 271-272). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

Life is the inheritance of the Sons of God. Since you have it because God gave it to you, the Course says you will have it forever. However its form will change. Being a part of Life, being a part of the Whole, you are boundless and extend forever.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the awareness of the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part. This interdependent web of existence is Life and as we move beyond our ego we become aware that we are one with everything.

Today it is suggested that we consider what we really are and from whom we came and to which we will return after our localized form of existence dissolves back into the Whole.

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