Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Can you find the truth trying to teach pigs to sing?

Bob was called into his supervisor's office and asked, "Have you stopped stealing from the company yet. Just answer me 'yes' or 'no'. I don't need to hear justifications, explanations, rationalizations!"

Bob said, "I can't answer 'yes' or 'no' the way you have asked the question. If I say 'yes' it implies I have stolen from the company in the past and have stopped, and if I say 'no' it implies that I have stolen in the past and continue to do so."

"I don't want any of your smart mouth and double talking," said the supervisor. "I just want to get to the bottom of this situation where things are missing and our accounts are short every month."

"I can't help you," said Bob.

"You're a liar and a thief!" shouted the supervisor. "You're fired."

And Bob being a Unitarian Universalist believed in the free and responsible search for truth and meaning, but this was not the way to go about the search. Bob said to his supervisor, "You can never find the right answers if you don't ask the right questions. With the kind of leadership you are providing to this company, it will go down the drain eventually. It can't survive with its current managerial mind set and practice."

"That's right, college boy, you're the smart one who's got all the answers. We'll be better off when you're gone," said the supervisor.

What's the moral of the story? As Jesus said, "Don't throw pearls before swine." As a wise friend of mine said, "Did you hear the joke about the farmer who tried to teach his pig to sing?"

"No, I haven't," I said.

"Frustrated the heck out of the farmer and annoyed the heck out of the pig."

We both laughed vigorously. I think they call it  "guffawing."

Literacy in the world

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I'd rather be used than be alone.

In her ninth story in her book of short stories, This Road Will Take Us Closer To The Moon, Linda McCullough Moore tells the story of a woman dating a man she met on line whose wife has died and who takes her into his dead wife's bedroom to show her his dead wife's clothing.

The title of this story is "Something about darkness; something about light." The second paragraph reads as follows, "Any chance of some light?" I say. A half-burnt votive candle, a boy's flashlight, a bent match. Perhaps a drawn-out flash of lightening in the summer sky. I am not particular."

It is a poignant story about grief and sadness, loss and sorrow witnessed by a woman considering this man as a possible next partner.

The story ends this way:

"He slides the dresses on the hangers down a pole, takes one out, replaces it, and then another. He picks a third and holds it up critically, then turns and holds it out to me.
     'This one,' he says. 'Try this one first.'"

The end.

And you are left wondering can she be the replacement? Will she be the replacement? Should she be the replacement?

Life is like that, right, where we try to avoid the acceptance of loss by replacing the person or thing we were attached to. Don't worry about putting your 13 year old aged dog to sleep. We can go to the pound and get a new one next week. Or can we?

This might work if you will wear her old clothes. And for approval and acceptance we are willing to turn ourselves into something or someone we're not to get the other person to like us. As a young teen age client told me about her promiscuity, "I'd rather be used, than be alone."

Monday, September 22, 2014

How not to be ignorant about the world

According to studies most people are ignorant about the world because of personal bias, outdated facts, and media bias. It seems that on many topics the media supplying the facts are most ignorant of all.

The major misconceptions that people have are that things are getting worse, inequality between the rich and poor is increasing, the rich come first and then social uplift, and that what the media tells us to fear because those things are dangerous give us a skewed and inaccurate view of the world.

It turns out that the opposite of our misconceptions are more likely to be accurate. Most things tend to improve, most things move to the middle not to the extremes, social uplift comes first before enhancements for the rich, and most of the things that the media focuses on because they are sensational are not as dangerous as other things the media doesn't, or rarely, mentions at all.

The problem is that skewed facts and people's intuition (common sense) is often wrong because causality is attributed when there is merely correlation, and causality and correlation are two different things.

It is important for us to ask experts, "What are your most important facts that the public doesn't know?"

Stupid people think they know when they really don't. Their hubris and arrogance often create problems for the community and public. This kind of ignorance might be considered a new form of sin where the community is negatively impacted by stupidity. Unitarian Universalists are a people of faith who believe in skepticism and who encourage the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Amen. May it continue to be so.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

If your mother beats you stay away from her or they will put her in jail.

The eighth story in Linda McCullough Moore's book of short stories, "This Road Will Take Us Closer To The Moon" is entitled "Mother's Helper." The narrator, an eight year old little girl tells the story of visiting her mother's friend who has two teen age daughters one of whom tells the narrator that the narrator's mother is going to jail because she hits and beats her children. She is further told that she can keep her mother out of jail by not allowing her mother to hit her which she does by running from her when her mother is angry and likely to hit her. The narrator says:

"I told my brothers and sister that our mother could be put in prison for beating us and so to be on guard and always run away. I don't know if they did or not. You can't remember anybody else's childhood, sometimes not that much of your own." p.100 - 101

I loved this story because at age 68 I still remember well avoiding my father out of fear that he would lose his temper and hit me. I got very good at perceiving his moods and either being hypervigilant if he was in a bad mood or allowing myself to be a bit more relaxed when he was in a better mood.

My brother, one year younger, didn't seem to have the same perceptive skills I had developed and would walk into my father's furry and beat on a regular basis while I was able to side step it. I have felt guilty for this my whole life and angry at my brother that he never seemed to develop the same level of empathic skills to read other people's emotions and manage them for them so he could keep himself from getting hurt.

I remember he and I one time left the house and got the crossing guard on the corner to come to our house because we were afraid that my father was getting out of control and would beat my mother. I certainly became my mother's little helper, and when older her surrogate husband, and the protector of my younger siblings.

There are a lot of children who grow up being what we call "parentified children" because they play the role of a third parent when the parents are out of control or negligent.

In Unitarian Universalism and other religions domestic violence is often ignored or rationalized. God, after all, wanted His own son sacrified and crucified to appease God's anger at human sinfulness. So, I, and millions of others, have grown up with a perverse belief in submitting to and accepting abuse as a necessary atonement for our sins and a sacrificial martyrdom on the behalf of others.

Of course this myth is perverse, dysfunctional, and leads to much human suffering. As a 68 year old man, I no longer live in fear of my father's abuse, but I continue to be leary of sadistic, angry types who seem to get their jollies from taking their frustrations and insecurities out on other people. Those who would lead nations to war, torture "terrorists", and administer capital punishment under the guise of justice still scare me the most. I refuse to help them, and wonder what would happen if more of us also refused? What if our leaders called for war and no one showed up?

Saturday, September 20, 2014

People's Climate March in New York City and around the world on Sunday, 09/21/14


I can't believe the People's Climate March is less than 48 hours away. And I can tell you, without a doubt, that it's going to be absolutely beautiful on a scale that we've never seen before.

These numbers don't tell the whole story, but they definitely give you an idea of what's coming on Sunday:
2,100: The number of People's Climate events taking place this weekend in over 160 countries around the world -- this is part of something truly global.

1,500: Partner organizations officially supporting the march -- and it's still growing!

1,000: Artists who have been hard at work for months making absolutely stunning materials for the march using more than 100 gallons of paint, 350 yards of posterboard, 13 parachutes, and miles of cardboard tubes (because no one is allowed to use wood in the march - NYPD rules).

500: Buses coming from across the country. Lined up end to end that's more than twice the width of Manhattan at its widest point - and they're carrying 25,000 people to the march.

475: The number of volunteers we have to help support the march this weekend as greeters and march marshals -- but we still need 200 more! Click here to sign up to volunteer, and we'll get you oriented ASAP.

362: The number of college campuses where students are organizing to turn out for this march in huge numbers. Young people will not accept a future ravaged by climate change.

300: The length in feet of a single banner in the march. It might just be the biggest climate banner ever (at least that I've seen - you can find it in the "We Know Who's Responsible" theme).

125: World leaders planning to attend the climate leadership summit on Tuesday -- more than at any previous climate summit or negotiation. Let's send them to the negotiating table with the sound of a enormous movement ringing in their ears.

82: The expected temperature on Sunday. That's beautiful weather to make history in.

29: The number of marching bands that will be making sure this march has a beat. And that's not counting the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 3 bagpipers.

26: The number of city blocks being blocked off for this march to lineup - check out the lineup here and find your people. Or just show up at 86th St and Central Park West at 11 AM.

5: How many friends you should bring (or at least forward this email to) - because to change everything it takes everyone.

1: Planets we have. Which means we also only have one shot to get this right.

0: The amount of progress we'll make if we stay home. We don't know that this will work - but we do know that if we stay home, the only thing that's going to change is the climate.

 This is going to be huge.
-YJ Cho and everyone working on the People's Climate March

Editor's note:

If any UUs go, please give us a report of your experience here at UU A Way Of Life, please. Leave it in the comments or send it to me at and I will publish it as a separate article with your permission.

All Along The Watch Tower and Unitarian Universalism

"Let us not talk falsely now,
The hour is getting late."
     Bob Dylan, All Along The Watchtower

"As I see it, the primary religious task these days is to try to think straight. Seeing clearly is more important than good behavior, for redemptive action is born of vision. Religious faith, far from being a substitute for thought, makes thinking possible. You can't think straight with a heart full of fear, for fear seeks safety, not truth."
     William Sloane Coffin, A Passion For The Possible, p.2

Coffin's quote is full of gobbletygook much of which is stupid, but taking the whole thing, like one is listening to music or reading poetry, it makes sense. For what straight thinking can be done with a heart full of fear? And what can help one deal with fear better than a mind full of faith? And what can one best put one's faith in than a principle such as Unitarian Universalist's fourth, "a free and responsible search for truth and meaning"? It is much easier, though, to give up a faith of one's own and depend on someone else's faith like a Pope, or a priest, or a minister, or a iman, or a rabbi, or a guru of some other stripe.

UUs are known as freethinkers. They have courage, faith, hope, and bravery to rely on their own reason and intuitive wisdom. UUs eschew the ubiquitous tendency for people to talk falsely relying on someone else's faith rather than having the courage and motivation to create one's own. As one approaches death and the hour is getting late, sometimes, some people are more motivated to come to terms with one's own God. UUs are a people who don't wait until the last hour, but devote their life time to a free and responsible search. UUs spend their lifetime watching from the Watch Tower and trying to make sense out of what they see.

My Kind Of Church Music - All Along The Watch Tower, Jimi Hendrix

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