Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Have you forgotten that you are loved?

The Universalists knew that they were loved, not condemned. They shared their message with the world and it spread in the early days like wild fire and then burned out. Few people believe it any more and when it is proclaimed, people sniff and turn back to their distractions.

They are afraid to look within. Afraid of what might lurk there. Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, famously, "The greatest fear is fearing fear itself." And we are a nation on anti-anxiety, and anti-depressant drugs, and our kids and fellow human beings are killing themselves suicidally and with inadvertent overdoses in the hundreds of thousands.

The spirirtual impoversishment in the United States is apparent, depicted daily with a psychopathic, criminal government which the people have elected. As we rip children from the arms of their parents under the guise of national policy to keep America safe, we have lost our way, and it is time for the Universalists to step forward again and start another fire of awareness to remind people of the love that is within and there is no need to fear.

Some people think that achieving enlightenment takes a lot of work over a long period of time. Osho says this is nonsense as does A Course In Miracles. The truth is that you are already enlightened, you just aren't aware of it. You have forgotten.

You can remember your enlightened consciousness in an instant. A Course In Miracles even calls it the "Holy Instant," moments when we merge into the Oneness and experience cosmic consciousness. Psychologists call it "flow." It is an orgasmic experience of bliss.

The orgasmic experience of bliss is not just physical, not just mechanical, it is all encompassing of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It requires a huge letting go, a letting go of the ego. For some people this is easier than others. Avoidant and anxious types have great difficulty. Secure types find it much easier.

Realizing that Godliness is already a part of us is the antidote for fear and it is, in this realization, that we remember our natural inheritance which is enlightenment or Love with a capital L.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Notes from the mystical path of Davey G.

The meaning of Love cannot be defined. However, one can remove the blocks and obstacles to the awareness of Love's presence. Love is only limited by the constraints and restrictions one places on it in one's life. Don't cling to them thinking they will eventually make you happy. It is a lie and you are mistaken. Choose again for Love not counterfeit idols.

Nonsense is nonsense and more of the same is just further nonsense. You know that there must be a better way. You feel its call as it elicits a yearning in your heart. Take the high road. The high road is narrow and requires intention while the low road is broad and seems at first very easy going and pleasurable. Your choice makes all the difference.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Notes from the mystical path of Davey G. - Beauty and Love are in my eyes

Is it accurate to say, "I love you because you are so beautiful," or "You are so beautiful because I love you?" Inherent worth and dignity are beautiful and if every person has it, every one is beautiful.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? What, my friend, is in your eyes?

What's the greater good? Ask the kids.

The unspirituality of self-improvment

Osho says, "Every idea that 'I am' is unspiritual. The idea of the self is unspiritual.

And what is self-cultivation? It is an effort to polish; it is an effort to create a beautiful character, to drop all that is unrespectable and to create all that is respectable." p. 183 "Ah, This!"

Polishing the ego is nonsense. It is a waste of time and effort. In A Course Of Miralces, it is taught that the ego is illusory. It is a figment of our imaginations and a social construction.

In Unitarian Universalism they covenant together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. This inherent worth and dignity has nothing to do with the ego. The ego has no inherent worth and dignity. It is a mirage. A mirage is not the real deal. A mirage is a hallucination. To polish and improve the image of a mirage is silly, nonsensical, ridiculous. How could an aware, wise person engage in fool's play?

Billions of dollars are spent in the United States and Europe and other First World Countries on self cultivation and self improvement. Self-help books abound. They have become a whole genre of literature and "how-to" videos and programs proliferate.

The emptiness of it all, the vacuousness, the banality is saddening. We are not separate selves. A separate self is not our essential nature, and so we can conclude that we don't know who we are. If we don't have an accurate understanding of who we are, how can we successfully cultivate it?

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Notes from the mystical path - Smarter than Jesus

Notes from the mystical path of Davey G.

This evening a new feature is being introduced on UU A Way Of Life entitled, "Notes from the mystical path of Davey G."

Are there many people walking on a mystical path in the United States? A handful maybe. Davey G. is a friend of mine who has been walking on a mystical path on and off since 1960. He tells me he has lost his way several times but seems always, even though he has taken detours, to get back on the path.

Raised as a Roman Catholic and reading and studying religious and spiritual paths eclectically, his last sojourn in an organized religion has been with Unitarian Universalism. But outside of the transcendentalists, there is not much of a mystical tradition in UU, and so Davey G. told me he has been exploring the six sources and then some.

The mystic aspires to shed the ego and become one with Oneness and experience the nondualistic consciousness. Check the notes periodically to better understand and perhaps pursue the mystical path as well.

Davey G. called me to tell me he was sending the first note saying that he is smarter than Jesus and then laughed hysterically. He said he got the idea that he was smarter than Jesus from Osho, and then laughed some more. And then, Davey got serious, and said that while he might be smarter he was no where as wise and loving and still had a long way to go to achieve the loving oneness that Jesus experienced.

"Humanity now knows more than it has ever known before: knowledge goes on accumulating. In fact, you know more than Jesus. If you meet Jesus you can teach him many things. He will not know a thousand and one things. I don’t think he will be able to pass the matriculation examination – impossible! But that does not mean that he is not a knower. He knows, but in a totally different way. His experience has transformed his being.

He is not as informed as you are but he is transformed, and that is the real thing. Information means nothing. A computer can have more information than you have, but the computer can never become a christ or a buddha. Or do you think a computer can become enlightened some day? That is impossible.

A computer can know everything possible, but it will remain a computer and it will repeat only that which is fed into it. It cannot be blissful either – what bliss can a machine have? It cannot be loving either – how can a machine be loving? It may say, “I love you, I love you very much: I am ready to die for you.” It may say beautiful things, but they will simply be words. It can be taught to hug you and kiss you, but there will be no love at all. And you will know that this is just foolish – a machine kissing you and hugging you. You will look all around, embarrassed!

A machine can be taught these things and the machine can do these things very efficiently. But millions of people are doing exactly that: functioning like machines, computers. They repeat clichés – Christian, Hindu, Mohammedan – beautiful words, but all dead.

With me, it is not a question of becoming more informed. I am not a teacher, I am not here to teach you anything. On the contrary, I am here to help you unlearn – not to learn but to unlearn, so that you can be unburdened and you can start seeing on your own.

The moment you start seeing on your own, your life takes a quantum leap into a new dimension: the dimension of eternity, the dimension of godliness, the dimension of bliss, truth, freedom."

Osho. Last in the Evening: 365 Relaxing Moments to Enter the Night Consciously

Separation from Life leads to hell.

Unitarian Universalists covenant together to affirm and promote the inherent dignity of every person. The inherent worth and dignity does not come from separating ourselves from the Divine. Our inherent worth and dignity comes from the recognition, acknowledgment, and celebration of that of which we are a part that is bigger than our tiny little egos.

Separate egos do not have inherent dignity and worth. Just the opposite. Separate egos lead to a descent into hell in which we suffer and writhe in anguish.

Osho says, "Either I can exist or God can exist; we cannot both exist together - because if I exist, then I am a separate entity. Then I have my own existence independent of God. But God simply means the total, the whole. How can I be independent of it? How can I be separate from it? If I exist, I destroy the very idea of totality." p. 182 "Ah, This!"

And how the ego wants us to be separate. It is this desire which is the original sin. We stupid humans want to be the author of our own existence. This is ridiculous. People, with their egos, are just ridiculous, Ridiculousness reigns supreme on the earth plane and creates the hell for us which we suffer in.

Surrendering our egos is so scary that most of us avoid even thinking about it. It seems like a crazy idea unless we obliterate our consciousnesses with drugs or other mood altering, mind bending activities like compulsive gambling, pornography, workaholism, compulsive overeating, extreme sports, internet addictions, etc.

Our egos set up a false dichotomy of me against Him. "I don't believe in God" we say because like children we don't like anyone being the boss of me.

But "God" is not a person. God is an energy. Luke Skywalker had it right when he called it The Force. Osho teaches that God is a quality; godliness he calls it.

Neale Donald Walsch teaches that if you don't like the word "God" use the word, "Life." "Life" works just as well. Try it.

Who can deny that they are part of life? Life is what we are in, not hell at all. Hell we create all on own by separating ourselves from Life.

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